On the morning of October 10, 1943, this mechanic is faced with a challenging task. He is preparing B-17 "Hell's Angel" and twenty-one other bombers from the 303rd Bomb Group for a midday raid over Coesfeld, east of Munster. The mission is expected to last five and a half hours, with the bombers scheduled to return at 17:30.
Dressed in his work attire, the staff sergeant wears M1938 herringbone twill overalls with two pockets on the chest. He also has on a D-1 shearling jacket, service shoes, a pair of D-2 gloves, and a thick woolen Type A-4 cap. This cap provides warmth for his ears during the cold autumn morning.
In his hands, he holds a metal case containing the maintenance equipment for the generator used to power the on-board electrical equipment when the B-17 is not in motion. This generator has earned the nickname "Putt-Putt" among the mechanics.
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